
About The SoCal Law Network

Our lawyers understand the criminal court process in this county inside and out, and are well prepared to take on your case to obtain the best outcome possible. Hiring a defense attorney from outside of the county will not be as beneficial to you, since they will not have the knowledge of the unique Orange County courts that The SoCal Law Network provides to clients.

How Prevalent Is Human Trafficking In Southern California?

Our California sex crimes lawyers recently learned that law enforcement officers made 474 arrests during a three-day sting operation in January conducted to combat human trafficking in Southern California. The arrests included 142 men charged with solicitation and 36 men suspected of being "pimps." According to the New York Daily News, thirty different California police [...]

By | February 24th, 2017|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

The State Of California Introduces New Gun Laws For 2017

The law in California decides who may possess, carry, and use a firearm and what types of firearms are legal in this state. California has recently adopted several new gun laws that the state’s gun owners must know about. The comprehensive gun law reforms make this state’s gun laws the toughest in the nation. While [...]

By | January 19th, 2017|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What Should You Do If You Have An Arrest Warrant In Orange County?

If someone is suspected of committing a crime, the police in California do not need a warrant to make an arrest. If someone commits a crime that is witnessed by a police officer – driving under the influence, for example – that person can be arrested on the spot. But in other cases, when police [...]

By | December 22nd, 2016|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

When Can Police Search Your Cell Phone In California?

The Constitution of the United States guarantees the legal rights of every person in this nation. The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon [...]

By | November 18th, 2016|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Can The New California Sex Crime Statute Convict The Next Cosby?

Our sex crimes law firm recently learned that the scores of purported victims of comedian Bill Cosby’s alleged sexual assaults over the decades may or may not one day be vindicated, but lawmakers in California have eliminated one barrier to justice for sexual assault victims in the future. California has abolished the statute of limitations [...]

By | October 13th, 2016|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Constructive Possession in California: That Isn’t Mine!

As drug possession lawyers in Orange County, we know that constructive possession is a legal concept that describes a circumstance where an individual has actual control an item of property without actually having physical control of the same item. For example, if your car is parked in your driveway, you have physical possession of it, [...]

By | August 26th, 2016|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Top Defenses For DUI in California

In all fifty states, the penalties for DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated) can be quite severe. If someone is arrested and charged with driving under the influence in Southern California, it’s important to know what legal defenses are admissible and what defense might work best. By mounting a viable defense [...]

By | July 26th, 2016|DUI|0 Comments

FAQS About Ignition Interlock Devices

In September 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law an eighteen-month extension of California’s four-county IID – ignition interlock device – pilot program. Anyone whose first DUI conviction is in Sacramento, Los Angeles, Alameda, or Tulare County must install an ignition interlock device (IID) in his or her personal vehicle. Installation runs about $100, and [...]

By | June 22nd, 2016|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Historical Places in Orange County

When many think of the state of California, they might not always immediately go to a historical mindset. We usually think of youth and vitality and beauty and even adjectives like fast-moving come to mind. But historical? That’s not usually the first adjective. Maybe it should be. Here are a few of the historical spots [...]

By | November 10th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Museums in Orange County

Dedicated in the year of 1990, the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Orange County is both a library and the final resting place of both President Richard Nixon and his wife, First Lady Pat Nixon. At one time, it was known as the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace, but when the library and [...]

By | November 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments