
About The SoCal Law Network

Our lawyers understand the criminal court process in this county inside and out, and are well prepared to take on your case to obtain the best outcome possible. Hiring a defense attorney from outside of the county will not be as beneficial to you, since they will not have the knowledge of the unique Orange County courts that The SoCal Law Network provides to clients.

Small Neighborhoods in Orange County Worth Visiting

A favorite small neighborhood in Orange County worth visiting, especially if you’re looking for a new area to call “home,” is Seal Beach, located as part of Newport Beach. This contemporary community offers spectacular estuary, a busy harbor, safety, low crime and many restaurants, shopping areas and cultural activities. Of course, the beach is the [...]

By | November 8th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

State Parks in and Around Orange County

The city of Orange County, California is home to the bold and adventurous souls who thrive in the outdoors, whether it’s walking the stunning beaches, hiking along the many trails or spending the afternoon with the kids on a picnic. The expectations are high – and this region of beautiful California doesn’t disappoint. If you [...]

By | November 7th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Best Pizza in Orange County

Ah, pizza – what’s better for the soul than zesty tomato sauce, freshly grated mozzarella and tender, seasoned crust that doesn’t overwhelm the flavors of the meats, sauces, and vegetables? There’s nothing better than delicious pizza and that’s true for any occasion in life. What’s the best pizza in Orange County? We set out to [...]

By | November 6th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments