
About The SoCal Law Network

Our lawyers understand the criminal court process in this county inside and out, and are well prepared to take on your case to obtain the best outcome possible. Hiring a defense attorney from outside of the county will not be as beneficial to you, since they will not have the knowledge of the unique Orange County courts that The SoCal Law Network provides to clients.

What Are California’s Weapons Laws?

California is arguably known for being one of the states with very stringent regulations on weapons. Contravening any statute on who can possess or control legal weapons, weapons that are outrightly illegal or illegal modifications, can have serious consequences. If you have been accused of contravening these laws, an Orange County criminal defense lawyer can [...]

By | November 25th, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Can a Child Be Tried as an Adult in California?

Statistics show that in 2007 alone, secure confinements received 15,989 minors, and juvenile officers received 39,014 of them. These increasing minor offenders informed the decision by legislators in California to pass laws that allow children to be tried as adults. Depending on the circumstances, your child can be tried in a Juvenile Court or an [...]

By | October 28th, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What Elevates a Normal Misdemeanor Crime to a Felony Charge in California?

The California criminal justice categorizes crimes as infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Felonies are the most serious crimes with severe punishment. On the other hand, misdemeanors are less serious, while infractions are petty crimes. Most infractions in California are traffic-related and are punishable by a maximum fine of $250. In California, there are certain misdemeanor offenses [...]

By | September 26th, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What’s the Difference in California between Simple and Aggravated Assault?

Acts that constitute assault are so diverse, and many people get confused about this charge. Even people that didn’t hurt or injure other people still get assault charges in California. Incidences of assault fall into two main categories – simple and aggravated offenses. The two are similar, yet so different – with the greatest difference [...]

By | August 24th, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Should I Pay my Ticket or Fight it in California?

Only a bunch of people have been able to avoid a traffic ticket during their driving experience. But for most of us, we’ve had to deal with flashing lights in our rearview mirror due to excessive speeding, failure to yield, or other traffic violations. Paying a traffic ticket in California and avoiding a court date [...]

By | July 29th, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What Should I Do if I am Facing a Date Rape Charge in California?

It is very easy to get wrongly convicted of a sex crime in California because it is one of the crimes that evokes sympathy in the hearts of many. This is part of the reason why you shouldn’t walk this journey alone. Your rights need to be safeguarded by a party that holds your best [...]

By | June 28th, 2021|Sex Crimes|0 Comments

How Does the Charge of Murder Differ from Manslaughter in California?

Loss of human life can never be justified. However, manslaughter and murder exist in law; in an attempt to make room for natural failings and human nature. The two crimes are both unlawful but differ in several ways. The way of proving, defenses, and penalties are the main aspects that differentiate murder from manslaughter. Based [...]

By | May 28th, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

How Does a Felony Differ From a Misdemeanor?

Criminal conduct in California is punished with permanent loss of freedoms or temporary punishments, hefty or smaller fines, and long or short jail terms. Many people accused of crimes find it challenging to differentiate a misdemeanor from a felony. Understanding the nature of the case you are dealing with can help you prepare more adequately. [...]

By | April 21st, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

How Long Do I Have to Wait Before I Can Get My Record Expunged in CA?

Most ex-convicts desire a clean start at life, and it is not fair to get constant reminders of a mistake made years ago. Expungement is an excellent way to keep a past criminal record away from several people. It is hard to determine precisely how long it can take the court to expunge your records [...]

By | March 31st, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What is a “Criminal Threat” in California?

It is believed that most violent attacks, intentional mass poisonings, mass shootings, and terroristic attacks begin with a threat. This is why the California Penal Code takes intentional threats seriously as a prevention measure for serious crimes. However, not all threats amount to a criminal threat, and the law clearly states the conditions that must [...]

By | February 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments