
About The SoCal Law Network

Our lawyers understand the criminal court process in this county inside and out, and are well prepared to take on your case to obtain the best outcome possible. Hiring a defense attorney from outside of the county will not be as beneficial to you, since they will not have the knowledge of the unique Orange County courts that The SoCal Law Network provides to clients.

What Are Possible Penalties for Vandalism in California?

In California, committing acts of vandalism and being charged can result in a variety of punishments primarily based on the dollar amount of the damage done. As vandalism lawyers in Orange County, we can tell you this crime results in less than $400 worth of damage will usually be a misdemeanor charge, but you still [...]

By | January 15th, 2021|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What is a White-Collar Crime in California?

The actual term “white-collar crime” goes back to the 1930s and was generally used when prosecuting non-violent crimes that did not fit criminal law definitions at the time. Back then, they may not have been prosecuted as vigorously as crimes committed with violence or harm to another. Today the definition is somewhat the same and [...]

By | December 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Can I Withdraw a Guilty Plea in Orange County?

If you or a loved one is a defendant in a California criminal case and decide to plead guilty, the judge will give a sentence based on the plea agreement reached. But sometimes, you may feel like the terms of the plea are unfair, or perhaps new evidence has surfaced. You may think that convictions [...]

By | November 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Can I be Charged with Kidnapping a Family Member?

Unless you prove your good intentions, taking or hiding a family member from their legal custodian is considered a crime in California. Even in joint-custody situations, you can be incriminated for maliciously denying the other parent their visitation or custody rights, according to the California Penal Code Section 278.5. If they are adults, using intimidation, [...]

By | October 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What Happens at an Arraignment in California?

It isn’t difficult to be accused of a crime in California. More than 1.1 million arrests were made in this state in 2019. If you are placed under arrest in Orange County or anywhere else in southern California, your first priority is contacting an Orange County arraignment attorney. After someone is arrested, that person’s first [...]

By | September 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Can I Be Charged With a Drug Crime if I am in the Car With Someone Who Has Drugs?

You can be charged with drug possession if illegal substances are found in your vehicle, whether they belong to you or not. Even if you were unaware that the drugs were present, the police could still charge you. This is possible because of a legal concept called Constructive Possession. Remember, every case’s details are different, [...]

By | August 15th, 2020|Drug Crimes|0 Comments

If You Believe You Have Been Racially Profiled by the Police

Everyone engages in profiling. When we purchase a car or a home, we seek particular traits and qualities in that car or home. But if you are charged with a crime on the basis of racial profiling, you need to speak to an Orange County criminal defense attorney as quickly as possible. If you’ve ever [...]

By | July 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Can I be Charged With a Crime for My Activity on Social Media?

The rise and development of social media has made it possible for us to communicate with people, ideas and groups all across the globe. We can follow the lives of celebrities, gain insights into the lives and homes of others, and find new friends with common interests on the other side of the world. Sadly, [...]

By | June 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Search Warrants: What Are They and When Are They Required?

Search warrants authorize law enforcement officers to search for specific items at a specific time and in a specific location, and to seize those items. If you are targeted with a search warrant in southern California, you will need the services of an Orange County criminal defense attorney. When do California judges issue search warrants? [...]

By | May 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What Are the Domestic Violence Laws in California?

Incidents of domestic violence happen far too often in California, but false domestic violence charges are also made far too frequently. If you’re charged with a domestic violence crime in California, you must be represented by an Orange County domestic violence defense attorney. In 2018, more than 166,000 incidents of domestic violence were reported to [...]

By | April 15th, 2020|Criminal Defense|0 Comments