
About The SoCal Law Network

Our lawyers understand the criminal court process in this county inside and out, and are well prepared to take on your case to obtain the best outcome possible. Hiring a defense attorney from outside of the county will not be as beneficial to you, since they will not have the knowledge of the unique Orange County courts that The SoCal Law Network provides to clients.

Can YouTube Videos Be Used As Evidence?

You’ve probably seen them – assaults, burglaries, and other crimes, in living color on YouTube, Facebook, or other social media platforms. Video evidence of a person perpetrating a crime may be introduced by the state as evidence in a criminal trial. If you are the defendant, your Orange County criminal defense attorney will either have [...]

By | August 17th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

How To Fight An Assault And/Or Battery Charge In California

Every assault charge and the battery charge is treated seriously by California courts, and a skilled assault and battery lawyer can properly defend you in every circumstance. Four different laws in this state cover battery and assault crimes: 1. Assault in California is defined as “the unlawful attempt to violently injure another person.” Assault includes [...]

By | July 19th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Falsely Accused Of Domestic Violence? (Here’s What To Do)

Domestic violence continues to be a serious concern for scores of families in California. A conviction on a domestic violence charge can very negatively impact your life for many years to come. But what if you are falsely accused of a crime of domestic violence? How will you be able to dispute the charge and [...]

By | June 17th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Grand Theft Laws In California

In the state of California, theft (or “larceny”) is defined as illegally taking another person’s money or property. Depending on the nature and value of the stolen property, a theft in California will be charged as a “petty” theft or larceny or as a “grand” theft or larceny. What’s the distinction? And what distinguishes theft [...]

By | May 16th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

An Overview Of California’s 10-20-Life Gun Sentencing Enhancement

What happens in California when someone commits a crime with a firearm? When someone commits a crime with a firearm in this state, if that person is convicted, the “10-20-Life” sentencing enhancement can be imposed. You’re about to learn exactly how the sentencing enhancement is applied, what you should do if you are accused of [...]

By | April 14th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

California’s Expungement Process Takes Too Long

Proposition 64 was approved by California’s voters in 2016. Proposition 64 not only legalized recreational cannabis use for adults in this state – but it also provided more than a million people with a chance to make their lives better. How? With Proposition 64’s passage, many of those with old convictions for marijuana possession automatically [...]

By | March 14th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

What Is Revenge Porn?

It's called revenge porn. In 38 different states and the District of Columbia, distributing nude images of another person without that person's consent is a crime. Revenge porn is also at the center of a number of civil lawsuits across the country. The military has banned it, and Facebook is also working to fight revenge [...]

By | February 18th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

Can A DUI Affect Your Immigration Status?

In every state, driving under the influence is considered a serious crime. There are serious penalties for anyone who is convicted of DUI, but if you are an immigrant in the U.S. – and even if you have lawful permanent resident status – a DUI conviction can have drastic consequences. Understand that this is a [...]

By | January 19th, 2018|DUI|0 Comments

Receiving Stolen Property Without Knowing – Is It Illegal?

Let's say that a friend – someone you trust and believe – asks you to "watch" or "safeguard" a firearm, some jewelry, or an amount of cash. On the basis of your friendship, you agree, but you soon find yourself under arrest and charged with receiving stolen property. It could happen to almost anyone. If [...]

By | December 16th, 2017|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

When Is Self-Defense Legal?

In almost every legal jurisdiction, if you are charged with a serious crime – something like aggravated battery or homicide – and you can prove that you acted in self-defense, you'll be acquitted. How is self-defense defined by California law? If you are charged with a crime, how do you show that you were acting [...]

By | November 17th, 2017|Criminal Defense|0 Comments