What Does Dismissed with Prejudice Mean?
Someone facing criminal charges would be delighted to learn that the judge has agreed to dismiss their case. However, there are two ways a case can be dismissed, and they have potentially significantly different outcomes. Here's the answer to what does, "dismissed with prejudice" mean. What Does Prejudice Mean in a Court Case? When a [...]
When Can Police Search My Car in California?
Being pulled over by law enforcement is always a stressful situation, but even more so when the officer wants to search your car. Often, people don't realize what their rights are in this situation–or that they even have rights at all. Here's what you need to know. Does a Police Officer Need a Warrant to [...]
Is “Sexting” a Crime in California?
The ever-increasing quality of cell phone photos and videos, not to mention the ubiquity of social media and other communication apps, has changed how many people shoot photos and videos today. The simplicity of capturing a video or photo with an always-present cell phone allows parents to capture quick moments in their child's lives or [...]
Can My Criminal Record Be Used in Rental Decisions by Landlords in California?
Rental housing in California is already a difficult situation. Many areas in the state have far more demand for rental housing than they have supply, which means landlords will frequently reject people for various reasons. If someone has a criminal record and wants to apply for rental housing in California, they may learn that this [...]
Is It Possible for My Gun Rights to Be Restored After a California Felony Conviction?
It's a concern many gun owners have when faced with felony charges: If convicted, will they lose their guns, and if so, is there any way to get them back? Some people believe the Second Amendment protects them from losing their rights to guns if convicted, but unfortunately, that's not necessarily the case in California. [...]
Can Verbal Abuse Fall Under Domestic Violence?
For many people, the phrase "domestic violence" conjures up images of physical abuse, such as one spouse hitting the other. In fact, the courts have long recognized numerous types of abuse as domestic violence. Someone who has not physically harmed their spouse or partner may be shocked when they're charged with domestic violence. Understanding what [...]
Types of Restraining Orders in California
If someone has filed for a restraining order against you, you may not know that there are multiple types of restraining orders in California with different processes and purposes. Knowing which type has been filed against you is key for preparing a defense. No matter which type was filed, it's highly recommended that you seek [...]
Do You Have to Identify Yourself to a Police Officer in California?
If you have been lawfully detained or arrested, then yes, you have to identify yourself to the police officers. However, you do not have to identify yourself if you haven't been lawfully detained or arrested. This is because California doesn't have a “stop and identify” statute. This leaves a lot of California residents asking, "do [...]
How is Bail Determined in California?
Many defendants in California jails awaiting trial can secure their release by paying bail. It refers to the money they deposit with the court to be released from prison. The purpose of bail is to ensure the defendant continues to appear in court for trials and doesn't flee. If they don't make court appearances, they [...]
What Is the Difference Between DUI and DWI in California?
Some states treat DUIs and DWIs differently as far as the type of crime they are and what penalties might be relevant if you’re convicted. California doesn’t treat them differently and, in fact, refers to any type of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol as a type of DUI. When you face any [...]