Can The New California Sex Crime Statute Convict The Next Cosby?
Our sex crimes law firm recently learned that the scores of purported victims of comedian Bill Cosby’s alleged sexual assaults over the decades may or may not one day be vindicated, but lawmakers in California have eliminated one barrier to justice for sexual assault victims in the future. California has abolished the statute of limitations [...]
Constructive Possession in California: That Isn’t Mine!
As drug possession lawyers in Orange County, we know that constructive possession is a legal concept that describes a circumstance where an individual has actual control an item of property without actually having physical control of the same item. For example, if your car is parked in your driveway, you have physical possession of it, [...]
FAQS About Ignition Interlock Devices
In September 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law an eighteen-month extension of California’s four-county IID – ignition interlock device – pilot program. Anyone whose first DUI conviction is in Sacramento, Los Angeles, Alameda, or Tulare County must install an ignition interlock device (IID) in his or her personal vehicle. Installation runs about $100, and [...]